Friday, March 25, 2011

Deep run in $22 rebuy

My session started out with a lot of bust outs, but none of them phased me and I just kept focusing on playing situations. I was finally down to only the $22 rebuy on stars and really got into the zone after a while. I consciously started opening up my game and found myself one of the chip leaders getting close to the bubble. It REALLY helps covering your cards and contemplating decisions first. I made about 4-5 blind steals and one blind 3bet. After I was called I looked at my cards and had flopped 2pr with J7s, but unfortunately the other guy hit bottom set. So I went from about 75bb to around 50ish.

I wasn't phased and was happy with the way I played the hand. I knew I had to change gears a bit since I was running like 25/23 over 50 hands. I did, but as the bubble grew near I wanted to capitalize on it. Unfortunately I kept getting picked off and I had to scale back a bit. The bubble burst and I still had a nice stack of about 40-45bb or so, but then the table dynamics changed with new players and I found it harder to pick my spots. I had a lot more aggressive players to my right and I probably passed up a few too many spots for 3 bets. Since this tournament only plays 36 I knew the final table wasn't too far off. I tried to force myself to not worry about that, but when push came to shove, I didn't want to give up my stack by risking a light 3bet. ****WRONG**** As I type this out, I realize that my subconscious still needs some training. I did GREAT this tournament and honestly played some of my best poker. But as the tables consolidated I kept passing up spots thinking I would have at least some sort of hand I could play. Unfortunately that didn't happen and next thing you know, I was down to 20bb which made it much harder to open pots. I did open one pot with 55 and got insta-shoved on by a really passive player, so I folded with about 15bb. Blinds go up and now I have 10bb with 2 tables left. I did shove once blind, but the big stacks to my right made it really hard to open shove and I couldn't 3bet since I had zero fold equity. I finally shove 89s 7 handed utg+1 and lost to JJ in 15th.

Overall I'm really happy with how I played and I am really seeing where I've had leaks in my game passing up 3bet spots when it gets deep. Not that I need to go crazy, but I have to keep my stack afloat or the blinds will creep up on you before you know it.

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