Monday, February 26, 2007

Winning and Being Humble

I just posted about some recent wins and how I feel like I’m playing at a new level. Part of that new level is also learning from past mistakes.

When I had my first big cash for $2,500 over a year ago, I wanted that feeling again immediately. This need for achievement caused me to play impatiently, especially near the bubble, and the result was not cashing in 14 straight sit-n-go’s for a net loss of $1,400. I was trying to force the win and control every situation, which is counter-intuitive to successful poker play. I also had a feeling of invincibility, like I could never lose again. I started getting Fancy Play Syndrome trying to craft complex plays against opponents who were just playing their cards. The poker gods quickly put me in my place.

So I’ve had recent success and I’m feeling good about my skills. But now I’m humble. I’ve learned from past situations and I’m going to continue to approach future games emotionally neutral. I will have increased confidence in my abilities, which will allow me to follow my instincts more and more. But I will not come into games thinking my skill advantage is so great that I can control the outcomes. I will also not be anxious and impatient trying to capture the next win. I may continue this fortunate run for a few days, weeks or even months. I also know that the fortune might end today and I’ll face a drought of negative variance. All I can do is continue to make smart +EV decisions and I know the results will follow.

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