Thursday, July 12, 2007

10bb is Not a Magic Number

I used to use 10bb as some odd line of demarcation between needing to push all in vs. making a standard raise. For some reason, this has stuck with me even after I learned about M and zone play. The overly specific side of me always figured I was"safe" if I was above 10bb and by making a standard raise, I could fold if someone came over the top.

As I've gained more experience in tournament play, I'm realizing that any it #bb or M shouldn't be looked as the only reason to make a certain play. There are so many other tournament and player specific situations that go into making a decision that you can't pigeon hole your decisions based solely on a number. There may be times where you have 12bb and it's right to push with KQ and there are times when it's just fine making it 2.5x.

I normally play looking at all tournament situations, but for some reason, I forget all about this when I hover near that 10bb line. But now that I've recognized this leak, I can start playing situations no matter what stack size I have.

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