Sunday, September 27, 2009

Daily Recap 9/27/09

The good news is that I barely remember any hands. I felt like I was playing in the zone and I was not afraid to go with my gut in a few marginal spots. I was right in a couple of them and I lost a really big pot in another, but I'm not too unhappy about it. I'm gonna take another look tomorrow to see if it was a good call or not. Basically I called a pot sized all-in on the river with 99 with a board of xKxKx. The way the hand was played he could have had a small/mid pair in his range as well as a slow played King. I had a big stack already and could afford it, but it was still a substantial pot.

The bad news is that I didn't cash in any of the KO tournaments except for a few bounties. I bubbled two of them in 13th and 15th respectively and took like 25th in another. In one of them I was down to 2-3bb twice, came back to a nice stack and then ran into a some coolers like TT vs. JJ. I was picking my spots for shoving and probably nitted in a few situations (albiet I had crap hands). There were two super short stacks on the other table and while I wasn't playing to cash, they were so short that I assumed they would be busting. I kept floating between 3 and 6bb and finally lost when I shoved QJ 5 handed vs. AK.

Overall I felt I played my A game. I was able to chip up really nice in most of the tournaments and lost in pretty standard spots either losing a flip or re-shoving with a mid pp and them waking up with a bigger pair. I stayed in control emotionally when I lost pots and stayed confident in my game.

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