Monday, September 28, 2009

Daily Recap 9/28/09

I'm starting this post before I get started tonight. I feel like it would be helpful to clear my mind a bit before settling into playing and I want to chronicle where my mind is at before I start as a way to prevent it from affecting my play and help me start off with a positive mindset.

I had to do a lot of investigation today into accounts that were being billed improperly, so it was part needle in a hay stack, part logic problem. I ultimately like solving problems, but it's also frustrating to know that thousands of dollars have not been billed to our members because of errors we made as a result of a confusing interface. We will be rid of this problem soon, but I still have to solve the immediate issues of getting our accounts straight. I was successful in identifying the problems and realizing that they were not nearly as bad as they could be, so that was satisfying. In addition to this I was working from home and with the basement still in disarray, I had to deal with screaming kids around me. Our 3 year old has been a handful lately, so it takes great patience not to fly off the handle. Normally I'm cool, but I felt myself breaking a bit today since I was trying to concentrate on solving the complex billing problems. On top of everything, the backyard is still a mess from the flooding and the house is messy.

Okay, now that that is out of my system I am going to work on playing my A game and making good decisions tonight. I will say that I am still starting the session with a little anxiety about unfinished business at the house, needing to finish a training manual for new employees that are starting tomorrow and leftover stress from the kids. In the past, I've sometimes transferred these negative feelings into negative thoughts about how I would run...getting sucked out on, missing flops, etc. But at the same time, I need to train myself to push those things aside when it comes time to play. I can't wait for perfect scenarios. Sometimes, you have to teach yourself to focus and become disciplined. So I'm going to step it up and work hard at making good decisions and staying calm while doing it. I'm also going to work on not beating myself up over decisions that might not go as planned or feeling like I'm playing too tight. I'm just going to settle into the rhythm of the game and take in all situational factors before making a decision.


Okay, in the middle of playing and getting deep in a $48/90 man. I'm having these feelings of inevitably busting by shoving into a monster or getting sucked out on because I'm getting short and I have loose donks to my left. I'm gonna stay positive and just pick good spots without being too nitty.


Bink. 2nd place for $702 + $32 in bounties. I chipped up nice on the bubble and I got lucky in a couple of spots, but I still think the calls were good vs. some short stack shoving ranges. Once I got a few chips I started putting pressure. Head's up was a standard crap shoot since we both had 10bb. I ended up shoving Q9 with 8bb and he woke up with TT. As far as A game goes, I got into a nice rhythm and I was very decisive about my decisions. I made a few folds that were tempting, but I just made a gut read of the situation.

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