Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Daily Recap 10/21/09

Played at the VFW last night and took 3rd out of 36. It was a small field compared to normal, but I'll take the cash. I also chopped the last longer 3 ways, so it added some profit to the night. The thing about it though is that I was only dealt one pocket pair the entire night and I couldn't play it. I got 55 and was facing a shove from a tight player. So for the whole time, I accumulated chips with either steals, one good big blind flop and well timed shoves. I made good decisions based on my opponents ranges, whether or not the actual hand was best at the time. So I'm really happy about how I played.

Gonna play tonight both because I want to, but also because of my new focus to play as much volume as possible while I'm running good and playing good. I'm starting off a little tired, but I think I'll be fine once I get going.

Okay, so I'm starting to feel a little tilted mainly because I'm questioning a couple of my plays that ended with bad results...the KQ hand was a little coolerish because there was only one hand that I was worried about. The AQ hand miffed me a little because I'm not sure my pf raise size was good, even though I had a reason for it...but I was thinking more about "what do 'they' say I should do "they" I mean books, forums, etc. instead of me putting my opponent on a range and proceeding from there. Then on the flop I made kind of an emotional decision vs. a logical one. The result may have been the same, but I want to make good decisions. But I need to snap out of it...I can't make a couple of marginal plays and beat myself up. That will only make things manifest into something worse...back to focusing on good decisions.

I feel like I'm starting to make emotion based plays vs. logical ones. I'm forcing plays to happen because I think I'm trying to keep a win streak going vs. just observing and making decisions based on my reads.
Glad I recognized that last thing I wrote. Understanding that helped me come back to earth a bit and start opening up my mind to poker situations, not emotions. I also decided that since I'm not playing my A game I would only play the remaining table I was on and then judge how I felt after that. I ended up playing a lot better, but busted in 20th out of 90. I decided that since something was off tonight that I would minimize my losses and not chase a win. If had been playing better and still lost 4 tournaments I would likely keep playing, so this was a judgement call. I have a few hands to go over tomorrow when I am a little more focused.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Daily Recap 10/19/09

It's been about 4 days since I played last and it feels like an eternity. I wasn't able to play on Friday or Saturday due to previous obligations and I was just too tired last night from wrestling during the day. I still feel a little physically beat up, but I really wanted to play. One thing that I am going to be focusing on is playing as much volume as I can while I am running good and playing good. I felt like I was playing my A game last week and I was fortunate to run good at the same time.

So I'm starting the session tonight a little physically tired, but I'm drinking some coffee and I think I'll be okay. I know from previous experience that if I get really tired, I fall into a rhythm of nitting up too much or blindly betting without putting someone on a range. So my focus tonight is to find spots where I can be selectively aggressive and find the rhythym of accumulating chips.

67s hand...didn't put him on a range..just gave up b/c fd. check/folding isn't horrible on the river and my line was probably okay, but I should have probably c-bet and maybe double barrelled...results oriented..but my reasoning for not cbetting wasn't was scared

That's always annoying. Made it deep in 3 tournaments with 2 final tables and no cashes. Twice a called all-ins with AK and AQ where I was 65% and 60% respectively...flop 2 pair and get runnered for straights and flushes. I made good shove decisions getting there though where sometimes I would shove any two cards when the situation was right. I shoved 42s in the bb when the sb limped and I shoved 94os into the BB when I was the sb. I was going to fold the latter, but getting those chips allowed me to survive a rotation.

It's only 10:30 and I want to keep playing, but I don't want to stay up too late tonight. I might play some head's up or something.

Played a 4 person HU tournament just for the fun of it. Only a $20 buy in. It was fun. The first person was frustrating because they didn't bluff and was somehow a station only when I was bluffing, not when I had big hands. Still, I felt like I adjusted pretty well to both players and ended up taking it down.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Daily Recap 10/15/09

I'm starting tonight's session after busting from the Thursday live tournament I play in. I played fine and actually made a couple of non-standard plays. One of which was a blocking bet, but the guy was probably going to check behind so I lost a few extra chips there. One was when I shoved 9xTh on a all heart board with top pair after I was check-raised. I went with my gut that he was actually putting a move on me and I was kind of right. I was actually freerolling against an offsuit 9T. I didn't hit, but I was happy that I went with my read even though it was kind of early on.

I ended up busting when my KK was all in pre vs. 99 and he hit a 9 on the turn. I wanted to keep playing tonight hoping that I can continue my run from Wednesday. Just gonna focus on solid play and making good reads.

Got exactly what I wanted tonight...jump in, play a couple of quick turbos and walk away with some cash. I took 2nd in a $60/45 man on Stars. I put myself in a position to take a massive chip lead head's up but unfortunately suckouts happen. But prior to that I am really happy with the way I played. I picked a few really nice spots near the bubble where I put pressure on everyone even though I wasn't a massive stack yet. I c-bet into 3 players with an Ace on board because I knew that they would have 3bet me with an Ace and they didn't want to bust with a couple of super short stacks still in. I also chose to raise a few marginal hands when the short stacks were about to be committed into the blinds. Of course I lost my fair share of sucked out pots and I was able to hit a big suckout 4 handed when I shoved KQ from the SB into a 9bb stacked BB. He woke up with AK and I hit a straight on the turn. My play was absolutely correct, but you do have to get lucky sometimes to win a tournament. Overall I felt like I played my A-Game. I took gambles when I needed to and was able to change gears from being aggressive and conservative.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Daily Recap 10/13/09

I haven't played in a few days it seems. I finally got over being sick and I've been crazy busy and have been pretty tired lately. I didn't want to play when I wasn't able to focus. Today it was still hectic at work, but I was able to get a major project done and felt the relief of the big part being over. I was able to get the kids to bed and start playing around 8pm, so it was nice to start early.

I started the night misplaying QQ pretty badly in the Stars nightly $27.50. I'll review it tomorrow, but the jist is that I went broke with a set that had both a flush and 4 card straight showing. I could have easily check/folded or even check/called the river, but I decided to bet/call the guys shove trying to convince myself he had AK for 2pr. But that is what I WANTED him to have, not what my read was. So...I'm in 2 tournaments right now and I've started playing much better. Although I do have to admit that I'm not 100% clear headed for some reason. I'm gonna relax a bit and find a focus.


Got 3 tables going and one is a final table of a $48/90 man. I'm sitting around average at 32K at the 1200/2400 level. I was down to nothing earlier and trippled up, then I chipped up really nice on the bubble only to have a couple of hands go bad and I lost some chips. But I'm happy with the way I played the bubble. We're down to 8 in this one, so I'm going to just pick my spots and go for the win using my reads. Need to pick up some chips in the nightly $35K. Gotta find some re-steal spots.

So I take the chip lead and have over 100K going into 5 handed play. I played every hand pretty much perfectly and got crushed when a SS woke up with AK vs. my AT 4 handed, then my AK lost a huge race to 77, then I have 30k left at 3000/6000 and shove 97s...same 77 guy wakes up with me in 4th place. Definitely gonna look at that HH to see if tomorrow I still like the way I played. I feel like all the spots were standard, but it being a turbo I just hit a downswing at the wrong time. I do wonder if I should have shoved the 97s though. I had been super active already and there was another short stack. Don't get me wrong, I am playing for the win. But I wonder if the jump from 4th to 3rd is enough to consider ICM.

btw...really happy with my reads when calling all ins with semi-marginal hands like KQ or suited middle Ace. They are solely player based reads and not an attachment to my hand. I used to be afraid of making calls like that, but when there is a super aggressive player on your right, those hands go way up in value because you are so ahead of their range.

I just took 2nd in a crazy up and down $48/90 man where I lost a massive pot and was down to being forced all in by the blinds 3 handed. I ended up doubling up a few times and then took the chip lead going into head's up play. Then I called a min raise, hit top pair, check-raised strong and he shoved. I was forced to call and he showed BOTTOM PAIR...and hit a 3 outer for 2pr on the river. That river was worth about $400, so that kinda sucked. I still had some chips left, but not many...about 6bb. Overall I felt my short-handed push-bot play was good and just got unfortunate head's up. I got lucky a few times and then got unlucky as well. That was definitely a wild tournament so I'm happy to have 2 final table and deep cashes tonight, but first would have definitely been sweet. Just gonna keep grinding and try to play some during the day tomorrow.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Daily Recap 10/09/09

I'm starting this entry during the first break tonight. I started playing a little later than normal (about 9pm) and I am not playing in optimal conditions. I had a big dinner and drank a couple of beers, so I was already a little tired. I felt okay when I started but now I'm a little drowsy. I also chose to play longer tournaments tonight as well instead of the 45 and 90 man ones. So I guess my motivations for playing tonight were more because I haven't played much this week and not because I felt like I would play my A game. going into the rest of the session, I am going to have to work doubly hard to stay focused and make +EV decisions. I'm going to be conscious about tendencies to make loose calls because I'm tired or tripple barrel bluff without a read. I will be more focused on making reads and putting players on a hand and I will also not nit up like I used to do when falling back to B game tendencies. I will trust my instincts and act on them and not make emotion based decisions.


Break #3 - I misplayed a hand when I called a flop bet with 77 on a monotone board looking to spike a 7 high flush. I got there, but so did AA. I didn't bust on the hand, but I lost a fair amount of chips. It was a 3 bet pot and I called to set mine and then called around a 1/2-2/3 pot bet to hit the flush. I think calling was a mistake not because he could have a higher draw, but because I'm not going to get paid when I hit. It's a scary board and I don't have the implied odds to make the call profitable. That's actually a good lesson learned that I don't think people realize sometimes.

I was also able to lose the minimum with KK vs. AA. It was a pretty obvious spot, but still one that many people go broke in because they "aren't going to fold KK".

PokerStars Game #33846077695: Tournament #200031055, $10+$1 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (60/120) - 2009/10/09 22:40:46 ET
Table '200031055 157' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: DDSM31 (945 in chips)
Seat 2: bannedfrmFTP (11310 in chips)
Seat 3: goleafsgo31 (4320 in chips)
Seat 4: DP388 (6230 in chips)
Seat 5: Jestok (2544 in chips)
Seat 6: imgrinding23 (10015 in chips)
Seat 7: gomezdedeye (12765 in chips)
Seat 8: wrios_23 (5090 in chips)
Seat 9: streetpup (8920 in chips)
DDSM31: posts the ante 15
bannedfrmFTP: posts the ante 15
goleafsgo31: posts the ante 15
DP388: posts the ante 15
Jestok: posts the ante 15
imgrinding23: posts the ante 15
gomezdedeye: posts the ante 15
wrios_23: posts the ante 15
streetpup: posts the ante 15
streetpup: posts small blind 60
DDSM31: posts big blind 120
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to DP388 [Kc Kd]
bannedfrmFTP: folds
goleafsgo31: calls 120
DP388: raises 360 to 480
Jestok: folds
imgrinding23: folds
gomezdedeye: folds
wrios_23: folds
streetpup: folds
DDSM31: folds
goleafsgo31: raises 360 to 840
DP388: calls 360
*** FLOP *** [8d 3d Ah]
goleafsgo31: checks
DP388: checks
*** TURN *** [8d 3d Ah] [Th]
goleafsgo31: checks
DP388: checks
*** RIVER *** [8d 3d Ah Th] [Qd]
goleafsgo31: bets 360
DP388: calls 360
*** SHOW DOWN ***
goleafsgo31: shows [Ac Ad] (three of a kind, Aces)

4th Break - Looking decent and playing well. I feel like I'm playing my A-game and I'm consciously finding steal spots where I often start nitting up and blinding down during the mid stages. I'm raising JT type hands in earlyish/middle position with like 9M. I think staying active stealing is important with that stack size and I usually completely shut down because I'm afraid of losing 1/2 my stack c-betting. But I think if I just focus on stealing and only stick with high percentage c-bet situations/boards then I'll be fine. I need to keep my stack afloat while I pick other spots to double up. We're getting closer to the bubble in the two tournaments I'm in, so we'll see who tightens up and if I can chip up.

Just busted in the Stars $70k in 221st. Bubble was 216. Meh, oh well. AK vs. TT. I tried to keep myself from getting to 10bb, but I didn't find enough situations. But the way stacks were, I would have ended up in that race anyway so oh well. I was hoping to cash 2 out of 3 tonight, but I didn't so I'm gonna focus on getting deep in this other one and putting myself in a position to win.

I just found out something about my play. It can be a good thing and bad thing. I sometimes wait too long before opening up my pre-flop raising range because I don't have reads on the other players. This is fine early on, but when it's late and people keep moving back and forth between tables you can't wait forever. Sometimes you have to just be aggressive and learn for yourself what their tendencies are.

Break 6 (I think) - Was able to chip up nice at a new table and made some good reads. I almost got to 100k at the 1k/2k level but lost a flip with 88 vs. AK and went to 65K. Picked up a couple of steals, but for the most part I've been kind of dead. I'm staying patient and I'm about 11bb now, so I'm looking for good shoving opportunities. I don't know how deep I am and I really don't want to know yet. I just want to keep playing and making good decisions.

Grrrr...super aggro table and I can't pick a spot to shove. Finally shove QQ for 5bb and AK wins the race. 37th. I'm happy to get deep don't get me wrong, but it was a $10 tournament too. I can't complain about results. I think I played well, but I think there are a few spots where I needed to probably 3bet shove with trash or open the pot with trash simply to stay alive. Not sure...I felt like I was reading the tables well and I wasn't too nitty, but I still ended up blinding down a good bit towards the end. I'll analyze the HH tomorrow.

Flka;lkdfapoihg...just checked the payout and for getting 37th out of 1900 people it's only $34.20. That's pretty rediculous. I'll have to make a note of that and never play this tournament again.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Daily Recap 10/08/09

Gonna head to the Legion tonight. I've been sick for a week so this will be my first time playing since my game on Saturday. My focus tonight is to play a similar game as last week by opening up a little bit. I'm going to also really focus on maximizing my +EV on each street. Part of me was debating staying home and playing online so I could get more tables and hands in, but I really feel like I want to get out of the house and play some live poker. I feel like I'll be able to focus better by leaving since the kids have been kind of a pain lately at bed time. I want to start at an hour when I'm actually fresh.

Went to the legion and played well. I feel like I was playing my A game but then made a borderline call of a tight player's shove. UTG limped, mp player raised and tight guy shoved. I have JJ in the sb. The shover had 3800 at the 150/300 level so he doesn't have to have a monster hand necessarily, but his shoving range in that spot is going to be pretty narrow. I'm gonna run the numbers and see how close it is tomorrow.

Came home and played a few turbo 45 and 90 man sngs. Took 6th in one of the 90 mans, but I just made another borderline call. 6 handed, I have 66 utg with 32K at the 1,200/2,400 level and I make it 5900. The most conservative player at the table shoves and I'm getting exactly 2-1. If I fold I have 26000. I'm getting the right odds, but this guy was really tight and I am am always either behind or racing here. I'm fine with the race, but his range is weighted toward a lot of pairs. This is another hand I need to run the numbers on.

In both hands, I had a strong feeling that they had overpairs but the situation made it very close in that it could have widened their range. I ended up calling in both spots and in both spots the had KK. I'm gonna approach each hand without being results oriented, but at the same time I have to trust my reads as well.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Daily Recap 10-1-09

Gonna start this post before going to the America Legion tournament tonight. I've been feeling kinda sick today, but just like in any sport you have to sometimes push yourself and train your mind/body to perform in sub-par situations. I mean, I'm not throwing up or anything so I'm fine.

My goal tonight is to try and open up a little earlier. The blind structure is a little fast and the players are really bad so normally I just play super patient and play push fold in the later levels. It doesn't mean that I'm going to go nuts because many of the players are calling stations, so I'll have to pick my spots. BUT, it does mean I'm going to open a little looser in late position (if it folds to me) and not pass up any blind stealing opportunities. It also means I'll probably open a little lighter from early position. Again, not too much, but enough to keep my stack healthy so I can absorb any hits later if need be.

I played great tonight. I didn't win, but I feel like every decision was +EV. I opened up my game a bit and played the players. I doubled barreled one time and I bluffed the river into a tight player when the board paired Aces. Aside from bluffs, I think I extracted well although I check-raised a set once and I might have been able to get more value by check/calling. The board had a flush draw showing but I put the player on a lower pocket pair. I felt like check/calling might kill my action if another spade hit and I don't think he fires again on the turn anyway. Against this particular player I think I probably made the most. I ended up final tabling and busting in 9th out of 53, but I chopped the last longer and basically broke even for the night.