Thursday, October 8, 2009

Daily Recap 10/08/09

Gonna head to the Legion tonight. I've been sick for a week so this will be my first time playing since my game on Saturday. My focus tonight is to play a similar game as last week by opening up a little bit. I'm going to also really focus on maximizing my +EV on each street. Part of me was debating staying home and playing online so I could get more tables and hands in, but I really feel like I want to get out of the house and play some live poker. I feel like I'll be able to focus better by leaving since the kids have been kind of a pain lately at bed time. I want to start at an hour when I'm actually fresh.

Went to the legion and played well. I feel like I was playing my A game but then made a borderline call of a tight player's shove. UTG limped, mp player raised and tight guy shoved. I have JJ in the sb. The shover had 3800 at the 150/300 level so he doesn't have to have a monster hand necessarily, but his shoving range in that spot is going to be pretty narrow. I'm gonna run the numbers and see how close it is tomorrow.

Came home and played a few turbo 45 and 90 man sngs. Took 6th in one of the 90 mans, but I just made another borderline call. 6 handed, I have 66 utg with 32K at the 1,200/2,400 level and I make it 5900. The most conservative player at the table shoves and I'm getting exactly 2-1. If I fold I have 26000. I'm getting the right odds, but this guy was really tight and I am am always either behind or racing here. I'm fine with the race, but his range is weighted toward a lot of pairs. This is another hand I need to run the numbers on.

In both hands, I had a strong feeling that they had overpairs but the situation made it very close in that it could have widened their range. I ended up calling in both spots and in both spots the had KK. I'm gonna approach each hand without being results oriented, but at the same time I have to trust my reads as well.

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