Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Daily Recap 10/21/09

Played at the VFW last night and took 3rd out of 36. It was a small field compared to normal, but I'll take the cash. I also chopped the last longer 3 ways, so it added some profit to the night. The thing about it though is that I was only dealt one pocket pair the entire night and I couldn't play it. I got 55 and was facing a shove from a tight player. So for the whole time, I accumulated chips with either steals, one good big blind flop and well timed shoves. I made good decisions based on my opponents ranges, whether or not the actual hand was best at the time. So I'm really happy about how I played.

Gonna play tonight both because I want to, but also because of my new focus to play as much volume as possible while I'm running good and playing good. I'm starting off a little tired, but I think I'll be fine once I get going.

Okay, so I'm starting to feel a little tilted mainly because I'm questioning a couple of my plays that ended with bad results...the KQ hand was a little coolerish because there was only one hand that I was worried about. The AQ hand miffed me a little because I'm not sure my pf raise size was good, even though I had a reason for it...but I was thinking more about "what do 'they' say I should do "they" I mean books, forums, etc. instead of me putting my opponent on a range and proceeding from there. Then on the flop I made kind of an emotional decision vs. a logical one. The result may have been the same, but I want to make good decisions. But I need to snap out of it...I can't make a couple of marginal plays and beat myself up. That will only make things manifest into something worse...back to focusing on good decisions.

I feel like I'm starting to make emotion based plays vs. logical ones. I'm forcing plays to happen because I think I'm trying to keep a win streak going vs. just observing and making decisions based on my reads.
Glad I recognized that last thing I wrote. Understanding that helped me come back to earth a bit and start opening up my mind to poker situations, not emotions. I also decided that since I'm not playing my A game I would only play the remaining table I was on and then judge how I felt after that. I ended up playing a lot better, but busted in 20th out of 90. I decided that since something was off tonight that I would minimize my losses and not chase a win. If had been playing better and still lost 4 tournaments I would likely keep playing, so this was a judgement call. I have a few hands to go over tomorrow when I am a little more focused.

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