Thursday, October 15, 2009

Daily Recap 10/15/09

I'm starting tonight's session after busting from the Thursday live tournament I play in. I played fine and actually made a couple of non-standard plays. One of which was a blocking bet, but the guy was probably going to check behind so I lost a few extra chips there. One was when I shoved 9xTh on a all heart board with top pair after I was check-raised. I went with my gut that he was actually putting a move on me and I was kind of right. I was actually freerolling against an offsuit 9T. I didn't hit, but I was happy that I went with my read even though it was kind of early on.

I ended up busting when my KK was all in pre vs. 99 and he hit a 9 on the turn. I wanted to keep playing tonight hoping that I can continue my run from Wednesday. Just gonna focus on solid play and making good reads.

Got exactly what I wanted tonight...jump in, play a couple of quick turbos and walk away with some cash. I took 2nd in a $60/45 man on Stars. I put myself in a position to take a massive chip lead head's up but unfortunately suckouts happen. But prior to that I am really happy with the way I played. I picked a few really nice spots near the bubble where I put pressure on everyone even though I wasn't a massive stack yet. I c-bet into 3 players with an Ace on board because I knew that they would have 3bet me with an Ace and they didn't want to bust with a couple of super short stacks still in. I also chose to raise a few marginal hands when the short stacks were about to be committed into the blinds. Of course I lost my fair share of sucked out pots and I was able to hit a big suckout 4 handed when I shoved KQ from the SB into a 9bb stacked BB. He woke up with AK and I hit a straight on the turn. My play was absolutely correct, but you do have to get lucky sometimes to win a tournament. Overall I felt like I played my A-Game. I took gambles when I needed to and was able to change gears from being aggressive and conservative.

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