Thursday, December 28, 2006

Learning the Game vs. Understanding the Game

I'm at a transition point in my experience with poker (No Limit Hold'em specifically) in that I'm shifting from looking to other sources for the "correct" way to play certain situations to a deeper level of understanding of the game, where I look to myself for the answers. Books and poker forums are now reference points for additional perspective instead of text books or instructional manuals with a magical answer.

It's really a shift in confidence. Where I used to think "what did Harrington say about small pairs with 8M again?", I have been in enough situations where I'm referencing my own past experiences instead. I now think through multiple ways of approaching a situation and understand the full implications of each course of action, then select the one that has the highest positive expected value (EV).

I'm certainly not saying that I know everything about the game. I still have a lot to learn and there are definitely answers that others with more experience can provide. In fact, I'm sure there are questions I don't even know to ask yet. But I feel like I've passed through a stage of skill development that has brought me one step closer to reaching my goals.

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