Wednesday, December 27, 2006

When I'm Playing Good I...

  1. Have a grin. I may not be showing it, but inside I'm smiling because I know I'm going to take everyone's chips.
  2. Act deliberately. Every play has a reason.
  3. In tune with the emotions of everyone at the table, whether I'm playing online or live.
  4. Have a relaxed focus
  5. Am having a good time
  6. Have relaxed shoulders, stomach muscles and "chi"
  7. Completely detached from emotions or results, only reacting to or creating situations
  8. Settle into a rhythm and don't tend to think too much
  9. Don't commit to a play until I've seen all the action ahead of me
  10. Know what the other guy is thinking
  11. Make bets that will extract the most chips out of a situation
  12. Make sick laydowns

More to come...