Friday, April 9, 2010

Rough Session

Starting the night having trouble folding big hands. QQ on a 9 high board vs. a set of 9s was kind of a cooler based on the way the hand went down. But in another hand I turned a flush on a paired board where I was sure no one had a set, then when the T hit the river and I got raised big I was sure I was beat but there were literally only two hands that could beat me, a king high flush or TT and I called and was shown TT...he knew I had a flush so he could only raise with a hand that beats me...i justified the call thinking he could have a smaller flush.

Other than that, my flopped nut straight got in a 3way all in when a set hit quads, a super donk made 2 pair vs. my QQ for a stacked off pot and there were a few other all in pots vs. short stacks where they tripped up against my top pair.

I did my best to control tilt and after being down about 4 buy-ins (I was down 3.5 in about an hour), I took a break. I had originally decided that I should have a stop loss at 2 buy-ins but a few of the tables were really juicy and I didn't think I was playing bad. After the break, I was doing okay but I really felt like tilt was creeping in and it was affecting me in that I basically stopped 3 betting and I was being a little passive. Then after realizing this, I got TT in a 4 or 5 handed table and I 3bet the button. He had really tight stats and playing back at the nits was something I have been trying to work on...well, when he 4 bet me the tilt affect set in and I justified the fact that we were short-handed to shove it in. Honestly, I don't know if it was good or bad, but he's a nit so he has a real hand. A new table popped up and I noticed he snapped me off with JJ...luckily when I came back to the table there was a T on the flop. I knew then that it was time to stop the session. I made it back to around a 2 buy in loss, but I wasn't happy about how I got there.

Overall tonight was kind of a train wreck. I mean there were a few good hands and I think for the most part I controlled tilt early on, but then the suckouts kept happening and even though I wasn't going on monkey tilt and bluffing off my stack, I wasn't playing my best. Once again, I am not focusing on individual sessions. I care about the long run and making +EV decisions. This session was a tough one after running and playing good for the last 4. I'm going to call it a night and review some hands tomorrow to see if I could have gotten away from a few of the big ones and even a few where I could have made more. I think I still sometimes let my tournament experience influence me and I assume people are going to stack off with crap. In cash games, it seems like if someone is getting it in they have the goods (at least at .50/1). Maybe not everyone, but definitely the regs.

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