Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Starting the night with some kid tilt

Tonight will be a good opportunity to step up my game and focus when other stuff started tilting me. Without going into the details, when you have 3 kids under 8 years old at home and you have to put the kids to bed by yourself, it isn't always easy. I have to make 100% sure they are actually sleeping before starting my session, otherwise they will keep saying "I'm not tired, I'm scared, etc." It's all an act now and they know it but sometimes you just gotta play the game or it escalates into something worse.

At this point I think they are asleep, so I'll be starting the session a little later than normal. My goal tonight is to really focus on individual player tendencies in order to put them on a range of hands. I'm adjusting to some of the more straight forward play at .50/1, but at the same time I don't want to lose sight of those players who are thinking at another level. It's a constant game of adjustment when multi-tabling so I am going no higher than 5 tables tonight in order to fully think through the situations without feeling rushed or missing a step.


Wow, I started off the session feeling great. I was playing awesome and had great reads on each of the players. Then it all started to crumble...a guy called my 4bet with A5s and hit 2pr vs. my AK, QQ got sucked out on at the river by 44 after calling two streets, my set of kings got beat by JT and I didn't even see it. I value shoved the river thinking he had an Ace or two pair. My graph for the night is sad. I really tried to keep it together and managed to only make one tilty play. Obviously I ended up down for the session and now that is 3 2-3 buy-in losses in the last 4 sessions. I am fully prepared to move on from tonight and I know that variance will turn around. I did manage a couple of suckouts of my own tonight, but they were both kinda cooler situations anyway. There were a couple of questionable hands, but all in all I think I actually played great tonight. Sure, I'm disappointed in the results, but I definitely found some new fish tonight to it will all even out.

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