Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Started a little rough, made some adjustments & then ran good

Good session tonight overall. I lost a few chips in marginal spots where I got feisty and didn't commit to the river on a couple bluffs or hands where I was either way behind or way ahead. It was mostly in pots vs. aggressive regs or people I didn't have enough hands on. I did really well with that last session so made a mid session adjustment and corrected that leak. I just gotta work on not taking 3bets personally.

I'm a big fan of a new move...donk lead the flop with a big hand then check raise the turn. It's a lot of fun and puts more money in the pot. There are times when check/calling the turn might be better but if I'm playing an ego player it's a great move when they look me up.

I'm also getting better at playing big hands fast on flop in order to get more money in the pot.

There were a few pots where I jammed the river and I felt like I could have check the river and gotten them to bluff shove. One was a 44KKx board when I had AK. There was a lot of money in the pot and I thought the guy was committed, but really what would he call me with there other than another K or quads. I should have gave him a chance to turn his hand into a bluff with the way I played the other streets.

Overall I am really liking cash games and multitabling. You almost always have a hand to play and I love having lots of stats on my play to use for improving my game.

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