Friday, April 2, 2010

Tilt Prevention & a Rough Night

The session has started pretty rough and I feel like I'm starting to misfire a bit. I'm going to use this as an opportunity to learn how to overcome and prevent tilt during a session. I am going to dig deep and focus on not doing the things I've notice happen when I tilt:

1. Force pots
2. Lose sight of reads and put blinders on
3. Ignore reads and "hope" they fold, don't bet, etc.
4. Speculate out of position
5. Call on draws hoping to hit instead of putting them on a hand and being aggressive when it makes sense
6. Tighten up afraid of trusting my reads because I might lose a big pot
7. Involve my ego in decisions facing bets/raises

For now, I am going to tighten up just a bit and re-focus on asking the questions "what do they have" and "what do they think I have".


Well, I stayed cool until the end when QQ got sucked out by JJ on the turn for a buy-in. Tonight was really rough. I don't even know where to begin. Suckouts, bluffs not working, not laying down big hands when I know I'm beat, etc. For the most part I don't feel like I played that bad, but I had everything not go my way. I certainly lost more pots than I won and the ones I lost were sizeable. After the QQ suckout, I took a break and looked at my session stats to see if I should stop the bleeding early tonight. To my shock, I was down $363.15! I figured I was close to 2 buy-ins, but I had no idea it was over three. I know from past experiences that putting in a stop loss now is not even an option. As much as I may want to try and at least make it a respectable night, playing now will only lead to disaster. If poker is just one big session, I can pick a better spot and play another time. I'm still making progress forward and I knew I would take some steps backward, but I didn't know it would be this big. I've still only played 7 sessions and 5433 hands, so it's way early. I'll just stop for the night and keep grinding on.

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